Launch event// Bee hotel with Eiksenteret and NINA

We recently organized an event at the home of farmer Petter Simonsen to launch the new large-scale bee hotel for Eiksenteret and NINA (Norwegian Institute for Natural Research) The press, the mayor of Aurskog-Høland and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food were all guests at this great event. We served short-distance local food and drink…

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NIO Launch Event

Recently we created an event for the launch of NIO in Norway. The event showcased some of NIO ́s incredible cars and of course some test-driving was done. We also built a dome where the guests could rewind and enjoy some food and drinks. The athmosphere at the event was fantastic and the excitement for…

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Finally we can reveal that About You is a personal online fashion store. We had the pleasure of creating an absolutely amazing launch event for About You here in Norway at Aker Brygge. We had a press wall, an incredible ferris wheel where we put About You ́s logo in the middle. We also built…

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Mmm Ski Storsenter

More than 30 stands with delicious food, great entertainment, and an amazing turn-up. We are so lucky to have been a part of this event the last couple of years. Take a look at the highlights from this once-a-year event.

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The Breakfast Club at Aker Brygge

In order to celebrate all that Aker Brygge has to offer, when it both comes to food and shopping, we created an atmospheric breakfast concept. We arrange this event 2-3 times a year. Take a look at some of the photos from the the events below.

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A Town of Gingerbread at Ski Storsenter

In order to spread some Christmas spirit at Ski Storsenter, we created a gingerbread concept. From the 1st to the 24th of December 2020, customers were encouraged to make gingerbread creations and Ski Storsenter participated with some of their own. The result of this is a town of gingerbread, and the creations are of course…

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Christmas Lunch with Kirkens Bymisjon

It was a great pleasure to create a cheerful happening for Kirkens Bymisjon, together with Eureca Engros. People who live at Sofienberghjemmet, Engelsborg were invited to a gathering where covid-19 rules were strictly adhered to. They were offered tasteful food by Eureca Engros and magical song performances as entertainment.

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Emilie «Voe» Nerengs launchparty

Monday 24. August we produced and directed a 45 minute Live-broadcast to celebrate the launch of Emilie Nerengs new book «Sunt & digg»! The launch was presented in collaboration with: Ole Henriksen, COOP Mega, Frisk Forlag, Den Lille Nøttefabrikken and Hairport Frisør. Social Media Engagement The livestream received positive feedback through social media both during…

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Event: Sunn og Digg Weekend // Emilie Nereng

What a great weekend! Together with Emilie Nereng (@emilienutrition), we hosted @sunnogdiggweekend – a weekend filled with healthy nutrition, hiking, hairstyling and workouts by @treningsfrue and @madeleinehellerod! We were lucky to have the pleasure of working with great brands such as @njienorge, @hairport @nottefabrikken fueling us with healthy snacks and styling. Read all about the event on #sunnogdiggweekend

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Optura Watches // Grand Seiko

An evening with Grand Seiko – Together with Optura Watches & Jewellery and, we gave the guests the opportunity to see and feel some truly exceptional watches. Photos: Tidssonen and Tobias Smebøle Michelsen

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